So what’s the big thing that every one is talking about these days.. With a movie out, highlighting more on how a small idea can make big, the world around me some how is divided. Yes I am talking about Social Networks. So there are those bunches of people who are fans, social network addicts, spending hours of their lives around social networking, while there is this other set of people total despising the very idea stating: it kills your social life”. The question has been raised, time and again.. Does a social networking site kill your personal life? One of the talk shows I attended on social networking raised this very question. Would like to quote the speaker, Mr. Kiruba Shankar when he questions back the audience.. how many of you have actually discussed in person, a status update, a relation status change or files uploaded by other people in your social networking sites. Not surprisingly, everyone raised their hands. Social networking doesn’t kill you personal life. I feel it actually enhances. Man is a social animal. We all dwell in a society where there is a need to be connected. Social networking provides a platform, where you can interact with new people and old, tell your story and know others. The idea is not to outcast, the idea is to connect. See what your connections are up to. Tell others what you have been doing. Here are the 10 things where social networking affected my life:
- Found old friends from primary and high school and its great to be in touch with them. A phone call will take minutes where in a scrap or a post will take just a few seconds. Others pitch in and hence multitasking.
- Friends visited a site and uploaded pics. A beautiful site and I pick up my bunch of friends and head on for the journey.
- Updated with the status of all my networks, weddings, engagements, change of location, new jobs, change of jobs etc. I know where each and every one of them is.
- Never missed a birthday or an anniversary.
- More topics to for a chit chat based on others status updates.
- Wonderful information packed pages, and I never miss out on any update.
- Formed new friends with whom I share similar interest and hence more information sharing.
- Sharing my content. I am able to share my blogs, my pictures etc with friends, not only driving more traffic to my sites but also showing people what I am good or bad at (all thanks to their comments, criticism, encouragement etc)
- Be it music, videos, articles, photography, personal interests, blogs, your resume or status updates.. you find everything and anything from your best comfort zone.
- The last but my favourite.. an activity to kill time anywhere, anytime J
Social networks never kill.. so get social and get networked guys