7 things you should know about me

1. I have quite a few grey hairs which I frantically dye.

2. I almost never watch TV. The TV-shows I do watch, I usually watch on my computer.

3. I frantically listen to music. In the shower, in the kitchen, in the office (oops).

4. When I sleep alone I must have my teddy by me. But I don't consider myself immature though...hm!

5. I wish I could enjoy to eat custard apple, olives and a couple more in my dumped basket because they do look so tasty! But I just can't seem to like them.

6. I have gained 4 kilos (9 pounds) in the last year. Yikes!

7. I'm nearsighted on my left eye and farsighted on my right eye. Which was very helpful to me when I was a child. Because whenever I was unsure of which was left and right, I just had to close one eye. Blurry sight = Left and Clear sight = Right.